- Smart Grids: The Missing Piece in India’s Renewable Energy Story

Smart Grids: The Missing Piece in India’s Renewable Energy Story

Smart Grids: The Missing Piece in India’s Renewable Energy Story

Over the past decade, the Indian energy infrastructure narrative has been heavily focused on one singular goal – going green. Yet, achieving the goal of complete integration remains distant due to key gaps.


In this piece, we discuss the fundamental issues in integrating green energy, how ‘smart’ grids can bridge this gap and where India is positioned today.

Key Takeaways

  • Integrating renewables challenging in conventional Indian grids – due to intermit- tent generation and variable consumption
  • Smart grids are equipped with advanced capabilities that help balance renewable energy generation and consumption patterns

  • More resilient and efficient grids – preventive maintenance and granular data points allowing for less frequent blackouts, improved billing and collection efficiencies

  • India’s schemes (RDSS, National Smart Grid Mission) and 12 pilot smart grids suggest that the government is seriously considering smart grids – presenting a possible investment opportunity 

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