By accessing our Website (“resolutpartners.com”), user consent to our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Disclaimer. Anyone not consenting to any or part of the above should immediately cease accessing our Website. The user represents that they are competent to enter into a contract under the law and that these Terms, read with the Privacy Policy, constitute a legal and binding agreement between the user and Resolüt Partners(“We”/”Our”/”Us”).



  • We are not responsible for any loss arising out of or in relation to any content on our Website.
  • We do not warrant that any content on our Website is without any errors or omissions and all content is provided for personal and non-commercial consumption. All information is provided without any warranty.
  • User agrees to not undertake any action that may affect the ability of any person to access the Website.
  • We take no responsibility for any third-party links or services provided on the Website.
  • We retain all rights with regard to the content on our Website and User can only use the content for personal and non-commercial use.
  • The use of this Website does not constitute an attorney-client relationship.
  • Any information collected shall be handled in the manner set out in the Privacy Policy.
  • We shall not be liable to any losses arising out of or in relation to accessing our Website.
  • We may terminate anyone from accessing this Website at any time without prior notice and for any reason.



We are not liable for any losses arising out of or in connection to the user accessing this Website.



These Terms are governed by the laws of India as applicable in Mumbai and the courts of Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction with respect to any dispute arising out of or in connection to these Terms.



The user shall indemnify Us and hold Us harmless to the extent allowed by law from all losses arising out of a claim arising out of or in relation to the User accessing this Website.


 Alteration of THE TERMS

We may alter these Terms at any time and without any prior notice and any changes shall be applicable immediately upon being posted on the Website, unless otherwise specified. Usage of this website constitutes acceptance of these Terms, as may be amened from time to time.

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